Wednesday, September 16, 2009

An appeal to Logos

The above advertisement is used by Hyundai in a matter-of-fact approach. It appeals to logos as it names the exact cost, the amount of people the car can fit, and even mentions the rear defroster. Clever lines and caches such as "cars that make sense" are scattered throughout the ad, but the main approach for getting readers to buy a Hyundai are the cold hard facts.

An appeal to ethos

The above advertisement is for a floor covering business owned by Jim Schnasa. There is only one argument made -- an appeal to ethos. Words like "don't settle for second best," and "owner/lead craftsman" are chosen carefully to portray that Jim Schnasa is well-equipped to service your needs. There are no colors to catch your eye, no stories, no fluff. There is only the information one would need to know that Jim Schnasa is the right choice.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

An appeal to pathos

The above advertisement is a campaign ad for Bill Patterson. Before you even read the words printed on this ad, one thing strikes you - the American flag. This is an effective use of pathos, as it appeals to an audience's emotions by stirring up patriotic thoughts. Is Bill Patterson really more of an American than his running opponents or more apt to be a County Sheriff? This ad doesn't seen to say so. Yet just by using the image of the great American flag he gains favor with the public.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

The above picture is a bumper sticker I found on google images. I disagree with the argument that it portrays. I believe that the shorter life is, the more passionate anyone should live. God calls on all Christians to be ambassadors for Him and to lead people to Christ - taking it easy is not the way to accomplish that mission. Because life is short, everyone must be as diligent as they can be to maximize the amount of work they can do in their lifetime.



My name is Brandon West. I am 16 years old and a softmore in highschool.

I enjoy hanging out with friends, playing basketball and football, reading, and competitively debating.